New Policies & Major Revisions

Every new University policy or major revision to an existing University policy must undergo a formal review and approval process. When a policy or policy revision is ready for review by President’s Cabinet, the policy sponsor should provide the proposed text (in redlined form for revisions) and a brief summary of the reason for this policy or revision and a list of the stakeholders who were involved in drafting or have already reviewed. Before starting major policy revisions on existing and published policies, please contact Martha Pittaway to obtain the MS Word version of the policy in order to create a redlined revised version.

Policies Affecting Multiple Schools or Divisions

For policies significantly affecting more than one school or the activities under the authority of two or more vice presidents, the review and approval process will include:

  • Notification / consultation with the Office of Planning and Policy
  • Stakeholder review, including but not limited to review processes outlined in shared governance documents and existing University policies.
    • For Academic policies, stakeholder review must include review by Academic Cabinet
  • Review by President’s Cabinet
  • Review and approval by responsible VP, EVP, or Provost
  • Review and approval by President when the policy affects activities under the authority of two EVPs or is otherwise appropriate
  • Review and approval by the Board of Trustees when called for in the by-laws or other Board policies, when the Board of Trustees has an operational role in the proposed policy, or is otherwise appropriate

Once approved, all policies must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Policy, which is responsible for posting approved policies to the University policy website.

Policies Affecting One School or Division

For policies affecting only one school or only one vice president’s area of authority, the review and approval process will include:

  • Notification of the Office of Planning and Policy
  • Stakeholder review, including but not limited to review processes outlined in shared governance documents and existing University policies.
    • For Academic policies, stakeholder review must include review by Academic Cabinet
  • Distribution to President’s Cabinet prior to final review and approval
  • Review and approval by responsible Dean, VP, EVP, or Provost
  • Review and approval by President when appropriate
  • Review and approval by the Board of Trustees when called for in the by-laws or other Board policies, when the Board of Trustees has an operational role in the proposed policy, or is otherwise appropriate

Once approved, all policies must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Policy, which is responsible for posting approved policies to the University policy website.